Walk your way to good health


Walking is the easiest way to good health. Our parents and family have rejoiced as we took the first step towards being differentiated from animals - standing upright and walking.

Our first step would have been wobbly and we would have fallen more times during the initial steps than the rest of our life. We all are enthusiastic initially and enjoyed walking and jumping around till we complete our school years.

Once we start driving our first vehicle, we stop enjoying our walk and even start taking the vehicle for short distances.

Heart diseases afflicts most workers today. High calorie diet foods, stress, lifestyle, smoking, alcohol are some of the main causes of the heart diseases - which is the No.1 killer of the workers.

High cholesterol, high blood pressure and obesity/overweight lead to angina, heart attack, cardiac arrest and heart failure. The heart attack occurs due to blockage/ clot/constriction of coronary arteries.

Start today with a 30 minute brisk walking and make it a habit everyday.

What does regular walking do to you?
- increases the levels of good cholesterol. Walking is a good habit to replace smoking.
- makes the heart work efficiently, improves blood circulation. Oxygen supply increases, blood vessels become more elastic and oxygen delivered to the tissues increases
- easiest way to deal with tension, anxiety, stress. It recharges our batteries after they have been drained of power and energy by stress and tension
- improves muscle tone, makes heart stronger
- massages the legs
- gives an overwhelming feeling of health and energy.

So what are you waiting for now. Save this and start your walk for a good health.

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