Analyze your food habits


"Well begun is half done".

The cure to any disease starts with the human mind - believing that the disease can be treated and cured helps in fighting and winning half the battle.

The next process is understanding and analyzing the symptoms - what food(s) have caused these symptoms. It is advisable to maintain a regular note of the foods we consume so that we can have zero in on the foods which might have led to these symptoms.

As a vegan and teetotaller, I enjoy the benefits of healthy and natural foods. A majority of the people suffering from stomach upsets, constipation and ulcers do so because of eating unhealthy foods.

Unlike carnivores, whose stomach linings are in a straight line and help in digestion of their animal food, our stomach linings are different and take time to digest and excrete food. Some of the undisgested food (like meat) lie inside our stomach for years. Also the herbivores, which run for their lives fearing the carnivores, live longer than their hunters. For example, the average life of a lion is 25 years while a cow or elephant lives longer. (there will be exceptions so I am prepared to accept your dissensions and disagreements on this). The choice is yours - consume natural foods and live longer or eat the flesh and bones of animals and curtail your life span.

Our ancestors have lived a long, healthy life - walking without the support of canes or sticks and seeing clearly without the assistance of any visual aids. Our present genre of kids start wearing spectacles, and in some cases lenses, by the time they are into their primary school. One of the main culprits is the absence of foods rich in vitamins in their diet. Instead parents switch over to vitamin supplements (as tablets, capsule or juices). All these do have preservatives or other additives, which will not give the desired benefits.

In our vernacular language, we have a saying "Food as medicine". Sadly, it has turned to medicine as food. We are seeing people in their middle ages taking more medicine and less food in their diet. It appears as though they are whiling away their lives and waiting for the end.

You may be 50 years young or 35 years old. It all boils down to how we want to live - healthy and to the fullest or living as sick (mentally and physically) people. I will be touching the mental aspect later, as there is a lot to be written, based on experiences I have had with people around me.

Let's start with thoughts from a couple of books I have read - Robin Sharma's "The Monk who Sold His Ferrari" and Deepak Chopra's "Ageless Body, Timeless Mind".

Robin Sharma's protagonist, a leading lawyer, living a fast lifestyle breaks down, goes in search of liberation (mentally and physically) and comes back after a few years, younger, charged up and enthusiastic. The changes in the lawyer take place as he goes on a natural diet - lots of fruits and vegetables, plenty of fresh air. If this doesn't bring us energy, nothing can. The viagras and other medicines give us a boost for a short period of time. The ones that give us unlimited energy are our foods and thoughts.

We have heard this often "Healthy mind in a healthy body". Our mental state helps a lot in relieving stress in our lives.

One of the basic components of a healthy person is fluids (water and blood) that constitute a major portion of our body. We tend to overlook the fluid content in our body. We go thirsty for long periods ignoring the demand and cries from our systems for more water content. The result is dehydration, nausea,

Image courtesy: Google images

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I am afraid you will face some digital attack from non-vegetarians. (Ha ha ha)

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