

We all want to start the new day energized and rested. However, if we have not slept properly, we feel tired upon awakening and tired throughout the day. It's difficult to focus and we commit mistakes in our work. Also the lack of sleep makes us irritable and feeling down.

If you have been a victim of insomnia, you will know how bad it is. Insomnia is the inability to sleep through the night (for shift workers, this is the inability to sleep through your sleep time).

Insomnia creates an energy imbalance. When we rectify the energy imbalance, then sleep naturally ensues.

There are a number of natural and holistic energy healing options for insomnia. It all boils down to the role we plan to take in healing it - active or passive.

Also the expertise of the practitioner helps - we can have a combination of active, semi-active, and passive roles. One advantage of these systems is that they can isolate the causes of our insomnia and release their energy at source.

Certain illnesses, necessary medicine that you may be reacting to, pain, discomfort, or anxiety, foods, something in your environment, or a variety of negative emotions can cause insomnia.

A good practitioner can advise you as to what treatment or combination is best for you.

If we choose a passive role, then attending Reiki, Shiatsu, or Acupuncture sessions on a regular basis are good.

So make a choice, start early to correct insomnia and have a pleasant day ahead.

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